[cs_content][cs_section parallax=”false” style=”margin: 0px;padding: 45px 0px;”][cs_row inner_container=”true” marginless_columns=”false” style=”margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;”][cs_column bg_color=”hsl(0, 16%, 83%)” fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”2/3″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]Edgar Cayce, 1877 – 1945 was an American Christian mystic whose trademark was to work in a trance-like state, earning him the soubriquet of “The Sleeping Prophet”. He is regarded as an inspiration for the modern New Age Movement. The Association for Research and Enlightenment, was founded to facilitate the study of Cayce’s work and a hospital and a university bore his name.
It was his prophesies, his visions of Atlantis, and his mediumship work with the families of dead GI’s which propelled his fame. But he believed the publicity given to his prophecies overshadowed the more noted parts of his work, such as psychic medical diagnosis and recommendations, and spiritual development.
Cayce’s clients included a number of famous people such as Woodrow Wilson, Thomas Edison, Irving Berlin, and George Gershwin.
To modern eyes, his Atlantis prophesies were a little hit and miss.
He claimed that the Atlanteans possessed advanced technology that harnessed the power of the quantum world including the use of crystals and sound waves for healing.
Lifts and connecting tunnels operated with compressed air and steam, and they used quartz crystal science to mine gold, copper and silver from the earth.
He also believed that The Crystal Skull, was cut with such infinite precision that “no known modern tool could have replicated the job” using the amplification power of crystals in laser technology and memory chips and that Atlanteans made extensive use of mass mental telepathy, psycho-kinesis and astral projection into fourth dimensional consciousness.
Cayce blamed the final destruction of Atlantis and the disintegration of their culture on greed and lust.
Cayce was also influenced by Theosophy, popular in America at that time and popularised by the Russian Helen Blavatsky who co-founded that movement in New York.
He divided opinion, with numerous high profile devotees, and detractors who dismissed his medical remedies as uneducated quackery and doubted his prophesies.
On the one hand, he was a fellow traveller with the occult movement, on the other he remained a committed Christian.
Here follow ten of his predictions:
1. The greater portion of Europe will be changed in the twinkling of an eye. Japan will eventually go into the sea. Land will appear off the east coast of America.
2. There will be a shifting of the poles so that where there was once a cold climate will become warmer and the semitropical will become the more tropical.
Moss and ferns and new foliage will grow in places that seem strange to us now. As Cayce said: “The Earth is catching up with Time.”
3. There will come a time when the sun will be darkened. This will signify a spiritually-awakening event.
4. The city of Atlantis will be found near Bimini. It will be discovered that there are healing powers in the waters off Bimini and quartz crystals will be recognized for their healing properties to uplift, empower, and synchronize many types of energy, such as light and electricity.
5. The records of Atlantis will be open to those that are the spiritual initiates in the knowledge of the One God. A secret chamber will be found and the rising of the Temple will make the records accessible.
When asked, “Can you give in detail what the sealed room contains?” referring to the Atlantean Library, Cayce responded that it has a record of Atlantis from the beginning of those periods when the Spirit took form.
The records describe the first destruction and the changes that took place in the land.
It is a journal of sorts, a record of the sojourns of the peoples and their varied activities in other lands and a record of the meetings of all the nations and lands.
It explains the building of the pyramid of initiation, together with whom, what, and where the opening of the records would come, there are as copies from the sunken Atlantis. Cayce also predicted Atlantis must rise again.
6. A new field of science will be developed based on a psychic/spiritual phenomenon. A shift in focus and study will occur.
The world will give more weight to spiritual phenomena and less weight to the materialized or material phenomena.
This new field of spiritual-science will become just as practical and as measurable as any other phase of human experience.
7. A “City of Gold” will be discovered in the Gobi Desert.
It will have a temple with elevators; electric cars, and magical elements.
8. New York State’s east coast and New York City itself will disappear.
9. America’s west coast will be destroyed and there will be widespread destruction in Los Angeles and San Francisco, as well as in many portions of the west coast.
Land will appear off the coast of America. The Great Lakes will drain into the Gulf of Mexico through the Mississippi River.
Earth changes will occur in the central portion of the United States as well. There will be some safe places in the US.
They are; Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, the central and some eastern states, to name a few.
10. Cayce predicted there will be three profound archaeological discoveries of a very ancient and important nature that will revolutionize the way we understand human origins.
Although controversial, he sits at the top table of the late 19th Century/ early 20th Century Spiritual and Occult movement alongside Helen Blavatsky, William Denton, Judge Edmonds, Moses Hull,Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, William Judge, Henry Olcott, Edvard Munch and Aleister Crowley all influenced before them by the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg (1688–1772) and the teachings of Franz Mesmer (1734–1815).
A measure of his legacy is the ongoing work of the ARE and a UK website for British followers.
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