[cs_content][cs_section parallax=”false” style=”margin: 0px;padding: 45px 0px;”][cs_row inner_container=”true” marginless_columns=”false” style=”margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;”][cs_column bg_color=”hsl(0, 14%, 91%)” fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”2/3″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]This is the seventh and last of my previews of the tutors at Arthur Findlay College for the “Spirit of Summer” event which I am attending next week:
Janet Nohavec
Janet is from Pompton Lakes New Jersey and currently lives at Franklin Lakes New Jersey, USA. She is on facebook but not on twitter and has a strong online presence.
She is an American minister who was born and raised in Northern, New Jersey.
Her Church website describes her: A medium since birth, she has conscious memories of spirit communication since the age of 4.
As a young adult, Janet entered religious life and spent five years as a catholic nun. After leaving the convent, she felt drawn to work with her mediumship and received extensive training to polish her gift.
She now teaches and demonstrates mediumship internationally. She is co-founder of the Journey Within School for Mediumship.
She is also pastor and founder of The Journey Within A Center for Spiritual Evolvement, Inc. She has appeared and demonstrated her mediumship live on numerous radio programs and has been the focus of several newspaper articles.
Janet treasures the gift of her mediumship and proves extremely evidentially the continuation of life after death.
She continues to reside in New Jersey where her school, church and private practice thrive.
Her SNU press release is as follows:
Although I was born a medium, I spent a good part of my life not knowing what the greatest God-given gift I had was. For the past 14 years I have been privileged to present to the public my gift of mediumship.
Like many of the great seers, mystics and mediums of the past I treasure my gift. It is an honor to connect you to the higher side of life.
With all of my heart I know we go on from here, that life is continuous. Those on the other side are just waiting for me to paint them back to life. May you find comfort here.
May you feel safe to explore what for you may be your first encounter with a medium.
When I first began my work, mediumship held a great stigma of fear, fear of the unknown.
I myself, having been a former Roman Catholic nun, questioned what was brought full circle to me. God gave me a rare gift to use. To be used with integrity and courage.
To dispel the darkness only one evidential medium need show the way. May you also feel confident and fearless enough to search for the truth within your own heart.
My hope is that you will find my website informative.
We have listed resources for the bereaved. If your heart is grieving the loss of a loved one may we provide hope and validation that love goes on.
We have also provided class information. My method of teaching is clear-cut. I train those I teach to be extremely evidential mediums, a process which takes time and dedication.
We have also provided links to The Journey Within Spiritualist Church, a church I started from a small dream 10 years ago.
Live your life to the fullest. It is a wonderful journey. In the school of life may you look its challenges squarely in the face.
God is never far away. You also have a host of helpers, angels, guides and your departed loved ones who walk with you every day. Do not miss out on their help and guidance.
If you would like to know more about Janet, her work or the courses she is teaching on please visit her website at www.janetnohavec.com
Her Church website offered the following questions and answers:
What do you charge for a private reading and how long are they?
Janet’s private sessions are a half hour long and are $125.
Is it possible to have a one hour session?
No, I’m sorry; Janet only does half hour sessions.
Do you do sessions by email?
No, I’m sorry; Janet does not do email sessions.
Do you do sessions by Skype?
No, I’m sorry; Janet does not do sessions by Skype.
Do you do phone sessions?
Yes, you can do your session by phone.
Can I get a phone session sooner than an in person session?
No, the scheduling is the same.
Does Janet call me for a phone session?
No, you call Janet at 973-616-9685 at the time of your appointment for phone sessions.
Can I use a cell phone or a speaker phone for my phone session?
You may use any phone you like, however, if it is a bad connection and it is breaking up, you will have to end the session early. No, you may not use a speaker phone.
What number do I call for my phone session?
For phone sessions you call Janet at her office at 973-616-9685.
How far out are you booked?
Janet’s average booking time is 30-36 months.
Can I be put on a cancellation list?
I’m sorry, no, we don’t keep a cancellation list.
Where will the reading be held?
In-person sessions are held at Janet’s office in her church, The Journey Within Spiritualists’ National Union Church at 25 Carr St, Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442.
Are your sessions taped?
If you would like to bring a blank cassette tape, (regular size), to your in-person session, Janet will be happy to record the session for you.
She also has blank cassette tapes available for $2. If you would like to digitally record your session, you are welcome to do so, however, then you will need to bring the recorder. Janet does not record phone sessions, however, you are welcome to do so on your end.
Do I need to leave a deposit to schedule an appointment?
When you make an appointment, we take your first name and contact phone number; a deposit is not necessary. A couple of weeks before your appointment we call you to confirm. We do need you to respond to confirm your appointment. You pay at the time of the appointment.
What forms of payment do you accept?
Janet accepts cash, money orders and all major credit cards, (Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express), as well as payments by Paypal.
What information do you need from me before my reading?
We need your first name and a contact phone number.
What do I need to bring to my appointment?
You don’t need to bring anything, however, if you’d like your session recorded, you can bring a blank, regular size cassette tape or a digital recorder. And, although it is not necessary, if you have specific questions that you are looking to get answers to, it is a good idea to write them down and bring the list with you. This is just for your memory; towards the end of the session you will be given an opportunity to ask questions, but once a session is concluded, it is too late to call back and ask questions.
What is better, a phone or an in-person session?
There is no difference as far as Janet is concerned; the preference is yours.
If I need more time than a half hour, can I extend my session?
No, I’m sorry, Janet’s scheduling does not permit this. However, she is very confident that you will have plenty of time in the half hour session.
Please call the church office to schedule an appointment
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