Past Life Regressions are a powerful instrument.
They facilitate an individual’s ability to look both within themselves, and beyond. Invariably they are an enlightening, revealing, cleansing and cathartic experience, as the sub conscious gives up its secrets.
My case studies of the hundreds of regressions I have conducted are both a record of what I have done, and a reference book of the nature of past lives. Unsurprisingly, regressionees often struggle to articulate clearly that which is within them. New emotions and experiences can be accessed and exposed. Finding word to express those can be difficult.
Over the coming days I will identify a sensation or emotion, with a word which describes what may be evoked from a past life regression. Maybe you have felt this too, either under regression or while reflecting upon life in general.
I am indebted to The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows , a compendium of invented words written by John Koenig. Each original definition aims to fill a hole in the language—to give a name to emotions we all might experience but don’t yet have a word for.
The subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place. Of not quite fitting. Of being at odds with the people around us, the place, the time. It is one of the most powerful indicators of the influence of past lives. Some feel at ease with the here and now, others yearn for another time, one which seems to fit who they are so much better.
To book a past life regression email or text 07913746072
Check out my case studies in my news section
A Past life in the Rainforest. How those traumas lay sleeping in mind of this life.