Regressing a Cockatoo
I am often asked what my most memorable Regression has been. That is easy. The day I regressed a Cockatoo.
A gentleman had booked a regression with me for the following month. I was one the cusp of video recording my regressions, but I had not quite got around to buying the equipment at that time- a decision I would come to regret.
Prior to the regression day I always have an informal telephone to confirm and discuss the day
A couple of days before my visit the client, Frank, rang me and said he had something very important to tell me, and not to be alarmed. That is always guaranteed to alarm me! As an experienced professional I just encouraged him to tell me whatever he needed to tell me. I can handle most things apart from mad axe men.
“Just Tell me” I implored. “Well, well it’s just because, I don’t mean it but but but”, “I’ve got ,I’ve got,, I’ve got effing Tourette’s shi*t bas*ard and I never know when it’s ugly ass is Yow Ching Ching Ba Ba Ba going to show up but I thought you needed to be effing warned.
What a relief for me to know I was dealing with just Tourette’s which I can deal with rather than a mad axe man which I would rather not!
The day came for the session and he invited me into his home, made a cup of tea and we sat and chatted for a while. It was a little two bedroom apartment , warden controlled together with a cockatoo in a cage in the corner.
Frank settled nicely into regression where he uncovered a life as a member of the Knights Templar travelling through lands in small numbers , explaining how they only moved in small numbers in case they were ambushed and how they travelled over a land and sea in order to reach America. He paused for a while, taking in the scene before him. “I reached America but I ended my journey there .I passed away”.
I asked him to step to one side of the body so we could evaluate that life and what he’d had achieved. I then asked him to look around to see if there was someone or something he could sense coming towards him to take him back to spirit. At this he took a deep breath in and as he took a deep breath out the cockatoo in the corner flapped its wings and became very agitated. I asked again that he look around to see if someone had come to collect him and the Tourette’s kicked in.
“I’ve no effing time to wait for others, I know exactly where I’m going, I’m going to the galactic federation. I’ve got important information and downloads don’t you know and it’s effing imperative that I meet the thousands of light beings gathered from across the Multiverse, we are known as The Council of Light.
I’ve got to go past the three moons and the effing suns to get there, it’s beyond what you see”. My entire focus was on calming Frank.
From behind me I heard a strange gravelling voice that shouted “effing Moon, effing Moon, bas*tard”. Knowing there was no one else in the room My first thoughts were had attracted an energy or entity. I have never seen a ghost in my life and to be honest it’s not a vision that I wished to experience. Taking a deep breath in I turned to scan the room and there it was.
The cockatoo was flapping it’s wings, rocking the cage till it tilted spilling flecks of seed everywhere and I only just managed to reach out to catch the stem of the bird cage when I noticed it was looking straight at me with penetrating eyes, tilting his head to one side as if connecting to me to get my attention and it just would not shut up effing and blinding.
So there I was, I had the client in the reclining chair slightly agitated and excited travelling up to the Galactic Federation on one side, with me trying to anchor him to a controlled state and a cockatoo held by the stem of the bird cage in the other hand squawking about the ****ing Moon and pirates and ships!
I was rattled, my brain was in over drive trying to think what to do next. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes to search my mind for a remedy but quickly realised there was nothing in my past life regression manual that would tell me how to deal with the Tourette’s cockatoo. This carried on for a few moments, the bird effing and blinding and the client describing how he was souring through the galaxy on his mission. I had to find an solution, and quick. A thought message came to me “talk to the bird”.
I decided to focus on the client and for him to pause for a moment and connect with his cockatoo’s energy and invite him to travel on the journey with us to quietly drift through space and time. Within the blink of an eye the cockatoo shut up, I couldn’t believe it. I had silenced a Tourette’s cockatoo.
I slowly and carefully positioned the cage in an upright position relieved to have found a remedy. The rest of the regression went very well. Frank came back into the room on instruction and we spoke about his journey. He was delighted to fill me in on things he saw and to know that is dear cockatoo had actually travelled with him to the Galactic Federation, he said he could feel his energy as they travelled together and was he was very comforted by the connection, the cockatoo seemingly was preoccupied on his pirate ship. I smiled a professional smile of calmness while inside still not believing what had just happened.
If only I had bought that video camera in time – I would have gone viral and smashed my rating on my youtube channel!!