I have been informed that the subconscious cares not what you call it “Higher Consciousness, Christ Consciousness, The Higher Self, The Universal Mind, Oneness and the Oversoul,” it simply wishes to work with you for your higher good.
By working with the Subconscious you gain insights in ways to help an individual. This may come in different ways, in whatever capacity possible, providing it is of good intent.
Scientific evidence exists which proves that our thoughts have a direct, measurable effect on physical matter. Thoughts can become illnesses within the body. With permission from the Inner Self I clear many a “shadow” within the aura of clients at the end of a past life regression during the body scan. This is a form of quantum healing, originally designed by the late Dolores Cannon.
This is evident in a case study where it was found that a past trauma was hunkered down in cellular memory and holding the client back from moving forward. https://jane-osborne.com/blog/past-life-memory-living-klu-klux-klan-eara/
Very often, simply understanding why a disease, thought, fear or phobia is present or why a particular emotion is being experienced is sufficient for it to be relieved and removed by the Subconscious.
It is said that nothing is beyond the realm of possibility. There are no limitations, except the limits of your own imagination.
For a private past life regression contact jane-osbornembs@outlook.com
Home visits are available.