Over the past fifteen years I have helped many people who have suffered from emotional or mental disturbances and physical illnesses.
Are you one of the many people who are suffering emotionally and physically for reasons unknown to you? Some people can cope with their emotional and physical pain, but others are completely disabled by it. Some speak of feeling the cycle of emotions are getting stronger and out of control.
When a soul of someone who has died permanently attaches itself to a living person, that once healthy and happy person may start to experience constant anxiety, panic attacks, depression, intrusive thoughts, powerful negative emotions, mood swings, insomnia, lack of energy, poor memory and many more symptoms. Spirit attachments can happen to anyone, anywhere.
Spirit attachment is often the cause of many things in one’s life going inexplicably wrong.
Some people are more prone to gathering spirits than others. There are several ways of unconsciously picking up spirits. Spirits feed off, and are attracted by, our negative emotions. When you experience powerful negative emotions during stressful life events such as death of a loved one, divorce, personal injury or illness they can easily slip into your psych.
They can also be attracted to you when you hold grudges and don’t want to absolve them or have feelings of guilt, addictions, or if you despair greatly after a loved one who passed away.
They can attach during surgery and under the influence of anaesthesia, or when the body is weakened, or during spiritual healing practices where you are not fully protected. People raised in negative environments, where there is less love, are also more susceptible.
The Spirit Removal session can take up to three hours but may be completed sooner. During that time, I remove the spirits. If there are many issues that require attention you may feel the need for further sessions. Each client is then protected by their own choice of protection such as a healing colour, angelic light, love or anything else that your Higher Self suggests to me during the session.
I have bases in Derbyshire, Staffordshire and Lincoln where and also do home visits (additional fuel charge is added to home visits)
When attachments are removed, people frequently describe the sensation feeling as if someone has removed heavy emotion from them; they finally feel free and you can see the results on their faces.
Others describe it as feeling as if you have removed a heavy weight from them that they have been carrying for years. They feel lighter, calmer, happier, have more motivation to live, more energy, and clearer thinking. Sometimes even their facial expression changes, they have a new sparkle in their eyes, and they look younger.
You may also find that you begin to feel, or sense things are changing for the better, you may begin to receive messages or signs which are put in front of you to jog your memory and steer you in the right direction.
To book a past life regression with quantum healing contact me on janeosborne123@outlook.com
I have many audio video clips for you to listen to of clients discussing their attachments on my facebook page “Mystic Magic in The Forest Retreat” https://www.facebook.com/pg/Mystic-Magic-in-The-Forest-157738818238380/videos/?ref=page_internal
On my website you can view my weekend retreats, books and downloads https://jane-osborne.com/retreats-and-cds/