In this journey of forgiveness and enlightenment the client views a life of poverty and riches beyond her dreams in the same lifetime.
The client regressed to the time of 1716 in Italy, as a female called Isabella in that life aged twenty-five years old. I asked her to explore the landscape and describe her surroundings. She was outside, barefoot, in a field on the mud and saw in the distance a hut with a straw roof. She was looking for someone, this was causing her concern.
There were no doors or windows and looked very primitive. Guiding her to the hut I asked her to describe what she saw. There was a fire, a table and a collection of books and pens (this was relevant to her life today). There was also a rocking chair but the person that usually took the seat was ill in bed near the end of their life.
The man in bed was her grandfather and was known to the village people as Fredrick. He was a shepherd and by the side of his bed lay his hook. Using techniques to uncover whether Fredrick was in her life today she replied “NO”.
On further inspection of the hut, she described a little girl aged She began to shake her head and hands in distress as if to remove the image. In this life the little girl, who was called Frieda in that life, was part of her mother today. Quickly from on from that scene we progressed forward in the same lifetime to another scene where something important and significant was occurring.
She found herself on the south coast of Italy in a field outside the Castello grounds. Lots of people had gathered for a celebration and there was much joy and gaiety in the air.
Investigating this further I asked her to home in on what was happening. After a couple of minutes, she clasped her hands with joy and told me the people had gathered for a wedding celebration, her wedding.
Isabella was to marry a prince who had met her in a field on one of his outings. She had tripped and fallen badly, and the prince jumped off his horse to gather her up and put her on his horse. On the two meeting there was a special connection. Having put her on the horse he took her to his castle, from which she never returned.
Her gown was made of golden fabric, long and elegant with a hand stitched tapestry belt to the floor. This was relevant to the client today.
Isabella had four sisters Arabella (who was her daughter today), Angelina, (who was in her life today but not around at the moment), Horelda (not in her life today) and an older sister called Prealla (who a daughter in this life). Prealla kept running away, she wore different clothes than everyone else, she was very individual and funny and chose not to behave, but in a pleasant way.
Returning to the scene of her wedding Isabella describes how the sun shone warm and bright with a beautiful clear blue sky and the music flowed like the wine.
Her husband, Edward, was tall and strong. He loved her deeply and laughed at her a lot, but in a nice way. Edward is her brother in her life today.
Closing that scene and moving on to another time Isabella described being back in a field surrounded by her children. It was to view the home Edward was building for the family. Edward was very proud of his family and laughed and sang in the field as they walked alongside his horse.
She had four children very close together. Fredrick was eight years old and here in this life as Oliver. Michaela was six years old and not in her life today. Amanda was four years old and not in her life today. Christelle was the youngest at two years old and was her nan in this life today.
Closing that scene, we moved forward to a time where Isabella saw herself as a sixty-two-year-old woman, knelt by a grave with the support of her family. Edward had died an gone back to the spirit world. Her daughter held her hand as she bid him farewell, she would not return to the grave, she knew he did not lay there.
After a time, Isabella spoke looking around, walking and walking, searching for someone. Connecting with her thoughts and bringing the image forward she informed me she was looking for her sister, she needed to reassure her and protect her, she wanted to bring her back.
The explanation for her disappearance was that her father was so displeased with her sister that he had cruelly beaten her, and she had fled his wrath. Looking into the eyes of her father she saw parts of her mother today, her anger and attitude and wished to move on.
Coming to the last scene in that life Isabella described herself as floating in the warm sea looking at the sky above. There was no one else around and it was how she intended it to be.
She had had a good life, a messy life, smiling, hot and colourful but now it time to slip away back to spirit. Isabella was sad that she had not found her sister in that life. I asked if she wanted to make peace with that thought and to place her and her sister in an environment where they could talk.
Isabella chose to place the pair of then in a boat on the sea, away from everyone. They talked and laughed and hugged before closing the scene.
With a last breath Isabella sunk into the ocean and closed the door of that life. She was now floating upwards to the soul realm where she was greeted by a small group of five souls sumptuously dressed in white, their aura emanated a re-assuring low humming vibration. I asked if one of the souls stood out more that the rest. A woman from the soul group came forward with long blonde hair, dressed in a white flowing robe. Making a spiritual connection we discovered it to be another one of her daughters in this life.
The colour purple was significant to them (and very relevant to the client today). It represented the power to bond, as if bonding the souls together through time and space.
Inner Self
For the latter part of the regression I ask permission to speak to the inner self in order to highlight any issues that we could deal with during the session.
Her inner self informed me that she had many lifetimes with Isabella and that they worked on love. I asked the inner self how she was doing with her challenge, the reply, “rubbish, she just can’t stick to anything, she is going to run again, she is always looking and never gets there, I try to calm her, but she flitters and floats from one thing to another”.
I performed a body scan to highlight any issues in her aura that no longer served her.
Right hip – I identified her right hip as an area to be worked upon. Loud and clear an entity made its presence known me. “Go away” the entity declared. I asked why it was there? It replied, “because I can. I slow her down. I get her stuck in rut. I play with her. She entertains me. I wreak confusion and frustration”. I managed to re-position the entity so that I could transport it to the spirit realm.
Before departing the entity gave her name as Helen. She struggled with life and it was for this reason, she plagued the client. Helen asked for forgiveness as she left. She advised the client to stop struggling with her mind now that she was no longer there. Free of all that, she would be able to trust herself more and open herself to the love of those around her.
To book a past life regression email or text 07913746072.