Many of us hear of a Third Dimension, a Fifth Dimension and even of Twelve Dimensions.
There are numerous views, some of which conflict, on this fascinating subject. The following blogs draw together the various strands of opinion to explore these Dimensions.
Make of them, and explore further, as you will.
What is meant by a Dimension?
A Dimension may be regarded as a state of consciousness and a means of organizing different planes of existence.
Each dimension has certain sets of laws and principles that are specific to the vibratory frequency of that dimension.
Circular Time Theory states that over a very long period of time things will repeat. There is a link here with the concept of Universal Knowledge, that everyone knows everything, it just has to be rediscovered.
All Human Beings are Multi-Dimensional Beings of Light with a visible dense physical body which some of their Consciousness has been projected into, and have the potential to access the first 5 dimensions.
Usually many of us are comfortable with our awareness being at 3-D level, but by asking our spirit guides for assistance, it is possible to access the 4th dimension, the astral plane or “time”, and the 5th dimension.
Indigos and Crystals can access the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th dimensions. Some Crystals can access the higher dimensions.
The Fifth Dimension – Heaven; The Plane of Light
For most religions, the Fifth Dimension is the highest realm a soul can reach. Spiritually, it is the last stop downward on the dimensional ladder before we enter the realms of limitation.
We incarnate here as androgynous stellar beings. Living on stars, we don luminous Light Bodies. These eternal forms have no need for pain, the warning signals that physical bodies provide.
Therefore, there is no physical suffering. Neither do we suffer from any form of separation, because we constantly experience the Oneness of God. We base our actions entirely on love, never on fear.This is because fear does not exist at this level.
We are unstoppable, living miraculous lives. Immortality, too, is an experiential given. Many times, in a Near Death Experience, a person will travel up a long tunnel.
The tunnel transverses the darkness (the Fourth Dimension) and ends in a bright opening of golden or white light (the Fifth Dimension). This is the Doorway to Heaven – The Golden Gates.
Usually, someone is there to greet the person, in the Christian tradition St. Peter.
We travel by the application of Divine Will. The shortest distance between two points is not a straight line or a curved line. In the Fifth Dimension, we simply duplicate ourselves to our destination.
In addition, we can travel by moving through the doorway at the centre of a star. In many Ascension stories, the Earth transforms – along with her inhabitants – into her fifth-dimensional Light Body. She physically shifts from a dense, material body to one of Light, a star.
This Miraculous World is separated from us only by fear of the unknown, or ignorance of it.
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