SHUNGITE – The Ancient Stone of Transformation – Grounding and Protection.

by | 10 Jan, 2019 | Blog, Past Life Regression

SHUNGITE – The Stone of Transformation

These workshops in the cosy log cabin in the woodlands will be very popular so don’t hesitate to email me or text your interest.

Shungite is a very powerful stone that is said to be the “miracle stone” and/or “the stone of life. I keep it in my handbag at all times for protection and grounding.

I am arranging a few one day workshops with Richard Spray and Cassie in our cosy log cabin in the woodland during March 2019 for you to design your own Shungite creations. Richard has spent many years designing jewellery and garden ornaments and is often called upon to clear land and properties of negative energy.

To book a place on our workshop26th or 27th email or text your interest to 07913746072.

The easiest way to wear Shungite is with jewellery because you want to have it touching your body. After searching everywhere possible for fashionable bracelets made with protective stones and not being able to find anything, Richard Spray started to make his own in the form of jewellery and garden ornaments to reverse negative effects on the body and surrounding land. Soon after that, he realized that other people could positively benefit from wearing this jewellery and his business began to grow.

Shungite is known for its incredible healing and protection properties. I like to think of Shungite as the stone of transformation, because it is the stone of superpowers, the stone of alchemy, and due to its amazing properties, it is unlike any other stone.

Shungite is a rare, ancient, dark black stone that is mined in the Republic of Karelia in Russia. Its name is derived from the Karelian village of Shunga, which is located on the shore of Lake Onega. There are three main areas in the Republic of Karelia where it has been found and mined. The first is its namesake Shunga, Zazhoginskoe field near the village of Tolvuya, and also at Vozhmozero.

“Shungite cures, rescues, purifies, heals, protects, normalizes, restores and even stimulates the growth. It kills and devours anything that harms people and other living beings, and concentrates and restores all that is good. The scholars who have studied Shungite in one voice declare, it is a miracle! ” From the book by A. Doronina “Shungite – the Stone-Savior”

Its electricity-conducting abilities allow it to be a great grounder. This can be used to help individuals focus when attempting to put all of their mental energy towards a specific goal. Whether it be for magic or meditation, shungite can be used to help drive you towards your desired goal or outcome.

Where does shungite come from?

Shungite is an ancient stone, believed to be almost 2 billion years old. Shungite was formed when there were no life forms on earth, deep within the earths crust. The main deposit of shungite on earth comes from the Zazhoginskoye deposit near Lake Onega in the Shunga region of Karelia, North West of Russia.

Following are just some of the numerous benefits of shungite:

Assists in evolving spiritually
Restores emotional balance
Powerful protective stone – shields the wearer from negative energies of all kinds, including psychic protection
Removes negative energies and thoughts
Shields from harmful electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) from cell phones, computers, Wi-Fi, cell towers, TVs, etc.
Provides healing on all levels: mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual.
Cell rejuvenation
Catalyst for growth and transformation
Increases personal power
Raises vibration
Grounds energies to the earth
Promotes positivity
Clears and balances aura and chakras
Enhances metaphysical abilities
Boosts energy
Normalizes sleep
Clears, activates, and aligns ALL chakras

Why wear shungite

EMF Protection—we are bombarded by wifi and electromagnetic frequencies 24/7, these disrupt our energetic field and negatively affect the cells in our body; leaving us feeling drained, frazzled and out of balance. Shungite has been proven to neutralize EMFs.

One of the main reasons that I started using shungite is because I learned early on in my nursing career that hospitals are full of negative, heavy energies, as well as entities.

Shungite is a must-have for anyone working in healing professions. Those working with sick or mentally ill people will benefit as these people literally “suck” energy from you, if you are not protected.

Hospitals are not the only places with negative energies – stressful environments and all workplaces are full of energies that you don’t want to bring home with you.

We are in constant contact with other people and their energies, especially in the workplace and the protective properties of Shungite does wonders in keeping you balanced, grounded, and free from picking up negative or unwanted energies from the environment. For more info on negative energies read my blog (here).

Even if you don’t work in a stressful environment, shungite helps to keep your own energies balanced and positive. Another reason you want to wear shungite is for all its amazing health and healing properties.

How shungite is worn

Shungite should always be worn on the left side of the body; this is because energies enter our aura through the left side. You can carry a chunk of it in your pocket, which is what I used to do but it falls out easy and can be lost.

Why not book a place and join us for a wonderful experience working with shungite and seeing demonstrations of how it works

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Are you ready for your Journey? 

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