There are almost a thousand Spiritualist Churches in the United Kingdom, all offering demonstrations of Mediumship every week. To outsiders, the prospect of attending such an event may be a little daunting with cinematic images of “The Exorcist” locked away somewhere in the sub-conscious.
The reality is much more mundane. Men and women, blessed with the gift of being able to make contact with the Spirit world take their gift very seriously, and love being able to share their insights with an audience.
These Mediums, once they have established a link, will provide as much evidence as they can, in a quiet, controlled manner, hopefully securing a specific message too. They will not ask to be fed information, but they will ask you for simple yes and no answers as this is how the spirit world connect to them, with sound to help them on their way.
Performances in Church are called platform work, performances and performers may vary greatly. If you are interested in this aspect of Spiritualism it is well worthwhile going along to different locations, and hearing different Mediums. You will soon find those whom you can relate to and rate, and will also discover those whose performances are less convincing.
The terms Psychic, Clairvoyant and Medium can become confused. The following may help you.
The word Psychic comes from the Greek word Psyche, meaning “breath, life” “soul” as spirit. Someone who is Psychic is said to be in touch with their, and anybody else’s, soul.
They perform a reading, where they can connect with someone’s soul, through their aura, and read information about a person’s past, present, and possible future.
The word Clairvoyant comes from the French for Clear Seeing. Nowadays the word Clairvoyant is often use to describe someone with Psychic powers because they can “clearly see” things most people cannot, including the future.
There are other “Clairs” as well. Clairsentience means clear sensing or feeling, Clairaudience means clear hearing, Clairgustance is clear smelling. As one famous psychic once said, “sometimes I see, sometimes I feel, sometimes I hear and sometimes I smell.” They then wondered why everyone laughed!
Mediumship is when a psychic raises their energy in order to act as a conduit of information direct from the spirit world. They transmit information from person to person. A Spiritual Medium transmits information from a spirit, be that a departed loved one or a guide (guardian angel), to someone on the earth plane.
Mediumship is a very tricky art and might be likened to tuning in a radio receiver to a radio transmitter when neither knows the exact frequency, and that frequency keeps drifting due to atmospheric disturbance. One perfectly transmitted message may arrive at the other end garbled and with words missing.
It is often said that all Mediums are Psychic, but not all Psychics are Mediums.
Thriving Churches will also have a strong social dimension as well as numerous associated mind body and spirit events and functions.
Some are independent, some are affiliated to larger organisations such as the Spiritualist National Union. All will offer access to courses, workshops and events.
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