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Indian Head Massage is based on the ancient healing system of Ayurveda and has been practised in India for thousands of years.

It is a relaxing holistic treatment that uses acupressure massage on the head, face, neck and shoulders.

By massaging these acupressure points it brings into balance your body’s energies. This form of massage focuses on the three higher “chakras” of the mind, body and spirit and as such stimulates your upper energy centres.

Usually, Indian Head Massage is achieved while the client is seated, this popular massage takes around 20-30 minutes and works on the upper back, shoulders, neck, head and face to help ease a variety of stress-related conditions and relieve muscular tension.

An Indian head massage stimulates the flow of blood, lymph and oxygen in your upper body. For this reason, is good for clearing your sinuses, relieves stress and helps you sleep better.

It is said to help cure headaches (even migraine), eye strain and anxiety, some say an Indian head massage can help you to concentrate better at work. This is because your mind is more relaxed and, so it is more comfortable for you to take on board tasks.

The method is simple to learn, highly effective and makes a great accompaniment to other therapies such as body massage, reflexology, aromatherapy and reiki.

The Understandings of Indian Head Massage
Indian Head Massage has been practised in India for over 1000 years. In India, from birth through to old age, the tradition of massage has been passed down through the generations and is very much a part of everyday family life.

Receiving a head massage during a trip to the hairdressers or barbers  shop is commonplace in India and it is also incorporated into special rituals such as weddings and births.
• As with any treatment it is important to tell your therapist in advance if you:

• are, or think you might be, pregnant
• have any medical conditions or are receiving any treatment or medication.
• have recently had an injury or operation
• are allergic to anything, particularly skin allergies
• have any broken skin or sores on your scalp
• as this may affect the kind of oil and treatment you receive.
• Indian Head Massage may be contraindicated for people with certain health issues or medical conditions, so it’s always best to check with your GP before receiving treatment.
• Aids the circulatory, muscular and nervous systems
• Frees knots of muscular tension and relaxes connective tissue
• Stimulates arterial circulation, and increases venous and lymphatic flow
• Reduces stress and can induce a feeling of euphoria
• Stimulates the skin and underlying nerve endings
• Aids in the elimination of accumulated toxins and waste products
• It is particularly effective in addressing the effects of stress.
There is no need to undress for an Indian Head Massage as it is a treatment that can be carried out through light clothing.

Hair Benefits
When we’re stressed, the scalp can tense and tighten up, restricting blood flow to the area. The pure physiological level, by increasing the blood flow, moving lymph, and changing the range of motion. In turn delivers the nourishing nutrients needed to encourage healthy hair growth and to promote strong and shiny hair.

The use of Oils
Incorporating oils into an Indian Head Massage can soften the skin and deeply condition the hair. Sesame is a balancing oil and is also believed to help relieve muscular pain and stiffness. Olive oil is a good alternative and is particularly suitable for dry hair and scalps.

With regular treatments, the frequency and intensity of stress-related headaches can be reduced significantly, as the massage releases tension and promotes relaxation to headache sufferers.

Eyes and Sinuses
As you work on the pressure points of the forehead and around the eye sockets it relaxes and soothes tense in the muscles and helps to relieve eye strain. Blocked sinuses are relieved by working on the cheekbone pressure points.

Indian head massage is a technique of manipulating soft tissues in the shoulders and scalp. The therapist uses a range of different massage pressures and rhythms to stimulate the head and neck area.

By relaxing the mind, you can alter the way you manage situations. Indian Head Massage is a non-invasive yet thorough way to release tension and bring about calmness.[/cs_text][/cs_column][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/3″ style=”padding: 0px;”][x_image type=”none” src=”https://jane-osborne.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/inidan-head-2.jpg” alt=”” link=”false” href=”#” title=”” target=”” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover” info_content=””][/cs_column][/cs_row][/cs_section][/cs_content]

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Are you ready for your Journey? 

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