Could the Answer to Toxicity Lie in Your Past?

by | 19 Jan, 2019 | Blog, Past Life Regression

Could the Answer to Toxicity Lie in Your Past?

Past-life healing specifically targets core root issues at a deep subconscious level. When undergoing past life healing, clients deeply relate to the past-life issues that surface.

Past-life work has proven to me and others beyond any doubt, that we can access our very real past selves. I’ve never met a client whose past life core issues didn’t relate directly to their most painful issues in this lifetime.

If you really want to work deeply on a dysfunctional program it can be helpful to consider that you entered this lifetime with this dysfunctional program – thus attracting the parents, situations and relationships.

You may have re-lived and repeated this program for several lifetimes. Most people do. By accessing the core root of the dysfunction (where it was first established) a powerful healing re-creation can unlock and heal this wound significantly.

The Answer to Toxicity Lies in Your Past

If we die without healing and emotional resolution, we will re-create the same drama in future lives in order to grant the opportunities to heal and move away from the fearful belief system. The most powerful false belief systems are those that have painful emotional charges connected to them. This is why programs connected to grief and trauma can be extremely embedded.

Toxic Past-life Relationships

I thoroughly believe past-live dramas are extremely responsible, when you feel addicted, have trouble letting go and feel hopelessly enmeshed in toxicity with specific people in your life (especially family members and love partners).

The fact this lifetime is causing you so much pain means you may have been in a highly toxic past-life relationship that’s unresolved. I’ve never found this theory to be incorrect. The recognition and healing of what is really going on can provide the knowledge necessary to honour you and move on. If the relationship is salvageable, it may grant the insight to resolve the hidden issues you can’t quite put your finger on.

Many of us can relate to certain relationships in our lives which are extremely painful and traumatic, yet we can’t seem to find a solution to stop the pain. These connections aren’t just limited to love partners. This may involve your mother or father, your child, a friend or anyone else in your life. It can be extremely useful to target the core wound of these relationships in order to release the dense energy that has been trapped regarding these issues.

It is usual to find individuals who have been playing out the same episodes with the same people lifetime to lifetime. If this pattern is not healed and liberated the pattern may continue for centuries.

True Healing Requires Consistent Healthy Thinking

It must be stated that past-life work alone isn’t enough and isn’t a quick fix. It’ll break down a wall that seemed indestructible, but if we don’t keep working on new positive belief systems we easily default to the old patterns.

It can’t be emphasised strongly enough – self-work is a lifestyle not a transient event.

At the end of the day there’s no ‘magic bullet’. We have to work extremely hard at changing our beliefs about life and ourselves and take responsibility for evolving and developing ourselves.

To book a past life session, lasting approximately two and half hours email or text 07913746072

For further reading check out these case studies of past lives

Past life case – The Witch

Betrayal and its Caustic Enduring Effects

Past Life Regression – A case study

Past Life Regression – Tommy the Gaffer

Article by Melonie Tonia Evans

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Using introspective hypnosis, uncover the mysteries that may lie behind your physical and mental issues. Uncover the unique essence within each of us that goes deeper than our personalities. 

Releasing old patterns and thought forms brings you back into alignment. Awaken your soul, encourage your awareness and protect your boundaries in particular situations. 

I work one to one or in groups and offer sessions online via zoom and Whatsapp. 

Understanding the past, healing the trauma in a safe environment, releasing pain, it is all part of the journey.

Releasing Attachments and Shadows 
Many people feel that there is something holding them back- but they are not sure what it is. Repetitive behaviours, irrational fears and phobias, emotional paralysis, and unexplained illnesses can all be manifestations of attachments and shadows – events and encounters from the past which continue to haunt us. 

My regressions can target and uncover these attachments and shadows and  help you to understand them, enabling you  to let them go, thereby healing past traumas. 


Are you ready for your Journey? 

There is no way of knowing what you will experience during regression therapy.

People’s experiences can be very different. Some people may see glimpses of several past lives, whilst others may delve into one life in more detail, unearthing repressed memories that no longer serve them.

You may have been described by friends as an old soul or feel you have lived before. Some people can visit a place for the first time, yet instantly feel that it is familiar. Others speak of meeting someone for the first time yet feel as if they have known them all their lives.

A sound, smell, dream, or reaction to a situation can trigger memories of a past life experience. The smell of a perfume that your mother wore.

Some clients talk of souls that have chosen to reincarnate together such as partners, siblings, or friends to carry out tasks. An example would be a daughter who acts like the mother of the family or a strong connection with a relative who may have been your brother in a past life.

Some people may try past life regression out of curiosity, to see who they were in the past.

Others are in search of a path for personal growth and healing. Both are equally valid reasons for embarking on this therapy.

If you are feeling stuck in certain ways of thinking, feelings and behaviours, hypnotherapy can help enormously. It assists you in reframing negative thoughts and behaviours and encourages you to understand the reasons for this. It can help tip the feeling of loss upside down and allow you to view it in a positive way as you move to a higher understanding of situations. For example, instead of feeling like a relationship was a failure, hypnotherapy can help you see how the relationship helped you learn, understand, grow, and become more compassionate.

You hold the key to release yourself from past trauma, dreams and attachments from past lives locked in your memory. You will see things from a different perspective and realise you are more than what you see .
Opening the doors to past life records and working with them helps to release the chains of the past.  

As a client, you are fully awake and aware of everything going on around you. When I ask you a question, you have control of your mouth and body and express through words, what you are sensing (feeling, seeing hearing, knowing), what you are experiencing in your memory or what feels like your “imagination”.

To traverse through these memories, we discuss the issues that you would like to address at the beginning of the session.During my hypnosis sessions, there may be times when loved ones, lost souls, extra-terrestrials, or other beings have a message for my clients. You may just be curious but for those looking deeper for answers – there is soul work to do.