How Animals and Natures Spirits Help Us Heal
I have many stories of past lives with animals and in this hypnosis session of past life regression, the client described themselves as being a man called Victor in his thirties, in 1137, walking by the sea in Finland, just walking on their own trying to make sense of their life. He was a Viking warrior that had jumped ship, swam ashore and left his group. The client recalls “They are like savages, a lifestyle of violence, rape and destruction”. Victor had fled from the group, never to return.
He chose a more peaceful life in the woods, connecting to the forest and natures’ spirits. Here he stayed for some months before moving into a cave over the winter period, gathering his thoughts through reflection of the past, planning a new pathway. He took comfort in the spiritual connections with the animals who he felt were gently healing and releasing his trauma over his three months in the cave. Spring on the horizon and sufficiently healed, he finely made for home to the people he loved and cared for.
A thirty-year-old woman with curly red hair, who he knew from before in that life time greeted him. Her name was Clara. He found her funny, kind and caring, a person who loved to dance. In this life Clara was the clients’ friend Annabelle. The village was built of wooden houses filled with good families who worked hard and drank ale from caskets. Victor contributed to the collective as a carpenter who designed chairs, bowls and benches for the villagers. There was a man in village Victor sensed drawn to, his name was Peter. He wore a tall black hat and looked like a wizard with a curly grey beard. In this life Peter was the client’s good friend Stephen. Victor stayed in the village, being content with his simple life, the support of those around him, surrounded by the natural balance of nature.
Onward to the next scene in the same lifetime Victor, now forty-seven years old had a wife and five children. His wife had long fair hair and was very tired looking. Her name was Maria. In this life, she was his father. His boy Robin, nine years old, in this life he was the clients brother Patrick. His other son Anthony, seven years old was his nephew today. His daughter Rosie, six years old, was the clients friend Louise today. The twins Ella and Edi, three years old were not in his life today.
Moving to the last day of his life Victor at the age of seventy years old and alone in his home, his wife Maria had long passed. The children visited now and then to care for his needs, but he mainly lived and supported himself. Victor was very weak with fever. His last thoughts being of comfort in knowing that he broke free from his group and ended the contract of violence and control in his family line, a job well done, and then he slipped away.
Lifting his spirit essence out of the body he saw a white horse in the distance. As the horse drew closer, he could see that it was a Unicorn who had come to take him back to the spirit world.
“The Spiritual meaning of the unicorn is one of myth, magic and legend. The unicorn reminds us of our own inner power, our soul purpose and the magic that is within every one of us. The unicorn spirit animal will help you realize your dreams and bring your visions to fruition.”
The entrance to Victor’s spirit group was a beautiful magical door of gold. Entering an enchanted room he found himself in a place of learning. He did not see, but rather sensed many souls and animals around him who he knew had supported him on his healing journey during his time in the cave. A soul who had a golden armour of protection around them sat beside him. Their name was Aerial and in this life the spirit of that soul was in the client’s dog. He explained how they had been with him during his time of need and supported him on his journey, healing him with animal medicine. Like very young children, animals are pure souls of unconditional love and are deeply connected to spirit.
During the healing part of the session the client spoke of a residual energy in his left leg. It was the energy of his friend Roman who had been on the ship when Victor decided to escape. Roman was too scared to leave but held an intention to follow him and this was the reason for the essence of his energy holding on to the leg. The symptoms it caused in this life was that the client felt it difficult to move forward in his life. Before departing Roman had a message for the client.
“ Challenges facing the planet at this time are spiritual in nature and spiritual change is necessary to address them. Humans are part of the natural cycle and reconnecting with this cycle can help heal the Earth. Show your emotional self, feelings involve acceptance. Using your senses provides a stronger connection to us. Don’t be scared of other people, or what they say. Don’t hide any more, you need to shine your light. Believe in self and don’t hesitate, the time for change is here.”
Prior to the session the client provides me a list of questions they wish answered by their inner self at the end of the session. It is not necessary for me to understand the questions.
Purpose – Their purpose was to work with the environment and the animals, providing love and respect to creatures that served to balance his soul. Punishing those who abuse them and teaching others of their value. That each life was magical, and each had a soul, which should not be undermined. God was in all that we have. I was not surprised to hear this client worked for the environmental agency.
Member of the family – The client had several lives with this member in their family. He was an intrinsic part of her growth, providing love, dedication and loyalty. His role in this life was unconditional and stemmed from shared history from previous lives where they agreed to work on a sense of belonging regardless of their actions or circumstances.
The message from the session was to value themselves more and speak up at work and in their personal relationships. To put themselves first so they had the strength to support others. That they must have a leap of faith and to research how to make their dreams come true. To build a new business while continuing with the old job.
They held a spiritual connection, but the energy was not being used and it was now time to set aside some time to work on their gifts.
Personal Relationship – Their previous relationship had been hard work. It was not for them to sort out, to be of service to others, but not their servant. That person’s energy caused headaches, and they were right to walk away.
There was a new person coming into her life in approximately six months who is lighter and easier to get on with. They will meet around food and they would recognise him by his eyes.
Cats – The information was that the energy within the cat was from the angelic realm who had worked with them in the cave, a beautiful angel who brought unconditional healing and security. The other cat brought awareness of spirit and reminded the universe of suffering in other countries. The third cat allowed her to connect with his spirit, to soften their soul and be compassionate with animals. As animals are sacred healers that release from us much trauma, in doing so may suffer trauma themselves in the process and it was important to value them.
The cats had many lifetimes with her, and they ask now that she wears her crown and begins to shine and believe. The message of grounding and re-charging in nature’s powers, included going bare foot to release and reconnect, it was most important. To be assured that Mother earth would never let them down. The last message being to draw music and dance into their life. Can you see the thread of messages and how they weave the message to the client?
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