Extraterrestrial Meditation
Information logged in The New Scientist states in 1976, The Viking Mars landers detect chemical signatures indicative of life.
Tests performed on Martian soil samples by NASA’s Viking landers hinted at chemical evidence of life. One experiment mixed soil with radioactive-carbon-labeled nutrients and then tested for the production of radioactive methane gas.
The test reported a positive result. The production of radioactive methane suggested that something in the soil was metabolising the nutrients and producing radioactive gas. But other experiments on board failed to find any evidence of life, so NASA declared the result a false positive. This meditation exercise is designed to open up your awareness.
Information logged in The New Scientist states in 1976, The Viking Mars landers detect chemical signatures indicative of life.
Tests performed on Martian soil samples by NASA’s Viking landers hinted at chemical evidence of life. One experiment mixed soil with radioactive-carbon-labeled nutrients and then tested for the production of radioactive methane gas.
The test reported a positive result. The production of radioactive methane suggested that something in the soil was metabolising the nutrients and producing radioactive gas. But other experiments on board failed to find any evidence of life, so NASA declared the result a false positive.
Despite that, one of the original scientists – and others who have since re-analysed the data – still stand by the finding. They argue that the others on board were ill-equipped to search for evidence of the organic molecules – a key indicator of life.
This meditation exercise is designed to open up your awareness.