Past Life Regression Training with Introspective Healing with Jane Osborne 10th 11th May
Fully Accredited Course Taking You From Student To Teacher Of Past Lives! Easy & Simple Steps To Success. I will teach you the way it was channelled to me and show you how to perform the Connect Shift healing technique on clients. At the end of the course you will confidently be able to perform past life regression in person, via zoom and in groups.
Professional Accredited Past Life Regression & Introspective Healing Course
Regression Therapy Training
Regression therapy training goes deeper by resolving issues originating from the current life. Techniques include inner child regression and body therapy for clearing deep trauma. The Academy awards internationally accredited qualifications enabling its graduates to belong to professional associations. My mission is to teach ways of healing a client’s soul. The therapy techniques in the training work on all energetic levels of the mind, body and soul and provide the integration and alignment of energies and full healing by going to the source issue.
Students do not need any previous qualifications for this course. They do need patience and empathic work ethic
Students will practice on client volunteers during the weekend training sessions..
Lesson 1: Introduction to Past Life Regression
Defining past life regression and its purpose
Exploring the belief systems and cultural perspectives of past lives
Historical context and prominent figures in the field
Lesson 2: Evidence and Research
Examining the evidence supporting past lives
Scientific studies and empirical research
Criticism and scepticism
Lesson 3: Theories and Explanations
Theories explaining past life regression
Reincarnation and karma
Transpersonal psychology and spiritual perspectives
Lesson 4: Benefits and Applications
Identifying the benefits of past life regression
Personal growth and self-discovery
Healing unresolved issues and traumas
Spiritual exploration and soul evolution
Lesson 5: Misconceptions and Limitations
Addressing common misconceptions about past life regression
Exploring its limitations and pitfalls
Ethical considerations and responsible practice
Lesson 6: Client Preparation and Assessment
Preparing clients for past life regression sessions
Assessing client readiness and motivation
The three bands of hypnosis
Hypnosis and Meditation
Hypnosis for Beginners
Lesson 7: What is Hypnosis
How Easy Is It to Hypnotize Somebody?
Step 1: Materials
Step 2: Pre-induction talk
Step 3: Induction
Step 4: The hypnotic Trance
Step 5: Deepeners and Hypnotic Suggestion
Step 6: Waking up Subject
Step 7: Parts Therapy
Lesson 8 Techniques
Rapid induction Techniques
The Bridge Technique
The Door Technique
Lesson 9: Inner Child Work
- The inner child
- Fifteen common examples of childhood trauma
- 5 Ways to heal deep-rooted trauma
Lesson 10:The Role of the Past Life Regressionist
- Managing expectations and addressing fears or concerns
- Exploring the responsibilities and role of a past life regressionist
Establishing rapport and trust with clients
Maintaining professional boundaries and confidentiality
Lesson 11: Processing and Follow-Up
- Assisting clients in processing their past life experiences
- Supporting the processing of emotions and insights and providing support and guidance
- Connecting to the Higher Self-acceptance
- The body scan
- Memory of this life or previous life
- Spirit attachments
- The leather bound book
- The screen
- Healing the inner child
Lesson 12 Question & Answer Session
Weekend hands on Training
Research & bibliography